The customer is stating video / audio is delayed by a few seconds.
- Install Wireshark and VLC on your laptop.
- Launch Wireshark, select the appropriate Ethernet interface and in the capture filter type "host x.x.x.x" where x.x.x.x is the IP Address of the camera > Start Capturing Packets.
- Launch VLC, select Media > Open Network Stream > type in the RTSP URL of the camera (see below articles) > click Play.
- How to connect to RTSP streams on Arecont cameras
- How to connect to RTSP streams on Contera cameras
- Example: rtsp://
- Let it run for 30 - 60 seconds then click Stop.
- Close VLC.
- In the display filter field, type rtp then click Enter.
- Click on the first packet displayed. In the packet information click User Datagram Protocol > Timestamps.
- Right click on [Time since first frame: 0.0000000 seconds] > Apply as Column.
- Right click on [Time since previous frame: 0.0000000 seconds] > Apply as Column.
- Your column list should look similar to the below.
Note: Should they choose to, they can scroll through / sort this list to find the packet with the highest delta. - Click Telephony > RTP > RTP Streams.
- Click the stream then click Analyze.
- The largest delta was 80.18 ms at packet number 43091.
- There is a graph option which will display the results for easier viewing purposes. This shows the average latency when direct connected to the camera.
- Repeat these steps at each network segment. This will help identify where in the network infrastructure the latency is being induced.
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