- ConteraCMR
- ContereVMS
- ConteraWS
ConteraCMR Login:
Linux Only: admin / 1234
Windows® Only - Sign in with default login credentials:
- User Accounts: NVRAdmin, NVRUser
- Password: Recorder Serial Number or dvr4321
Note: It is strongly recommended the password is changed during the initial setup.
Windows Only - Open the Contera Server (shortcut) login on the desktop.
Log in to the Contera® Server Recorder using the default credentials:
- Username: admin
- Password: 1234
ConteraVMS (Thick client)
- Username: admin
- Password: 1234
- You can use your email and password that was created in ConteraWS
- You can use the user and password that was created in the Local User menu on the ConteraCMR
The User and password would be the email and password that were created in the link: How to manage users & recorders within your Contera WebServices account
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